So I officially can only blog from my email, because it's been so long, I have forgotten all the info that I used to create & sign in to my last blog. I think I might just go out on a limb and create a new one. But we will see. It's amazing as I browse through this blog, how much I've changed, and how scatter brained my goals and ideas seem. As I wait to hear back from my grad school applications I can only imagine how this trend will either continue or hopefully come to an end. I want so badly to establish some consistency in my life, and yet chaos is generally what ensues. Maybe consistency is too boring haha. Who knows. I truly believe that there is a greater purpose for my life...just wish it might make itself a little more clear...any day now!
-Michelle N. Crandell
Tuesday, March 08, 2011
Sunday, December 06, 2009
It's Been So Long...
I need to start writing again. It helps me make sense of my thoughts. I will attempt to post at least once a week in 2010. We'll see what I can do with December! =-) But for now I'm on vacation so until the 10th I'm in Denver!
Merry Christmas!
Monday, April 27, 2009
It worked!
Well I must say that is quite convenient! I have a feeling I'm going to like blogging from my e-mail! Who knew it could be so exciting...not really sure why it feels different other than it's a little easier to format! What ever makes you happy right? It IS all about the little things in life!
So a rather huge update is in order. First off, I've been home for almost 2 months now, and it's insane to think about! The road trip home, was certainly a memory maker, my parents, grandparents, their 2 dogs and me were all in the motor home. We made it home in 4 days (which at times felt like an eternity) but let me tell you crossing the California State line was amazing! It was very exciting for 2 reasons. 1st off it meant that we were almost home, and 2nd California is GREEN!!!! After 3 days of driving through desolate deserts I was so happy to see trees and flowers and basically anything besides dirt and bare mountains!
After returning home, getting my belongings in a storage unit and setting up my room at my parent's house, I began the job hunt. I had a lead for a job as a Human Resources assistant, that didn't end up working out, and for lack of other opportunities I've landed myself back in the restaurant industry at Romano's Macaroni Grill in Stockton. I needed a job, and it pays well [if you work hard], so there you have it. Until I can get into a program to earn my teaching credentials, this is where I am. And I'm o.k with it. I have much to be thankful for, and luckily my employer seems quite happy with me, as I've only been working there 3 weeks and they are already making me a closer! Crazy! I'm very grateful for that opportunity because it makes my 45 minute drive worth it to be there!
I've also made an addition to my family by adopting a new puppy! He is a Jack Russel Terrier / Beagle Mix, named 'Denver'. He's a bundle of energy and at times a little terror, but for the most part he is so much fun to have around. He definitely keeps me on my toes and provides comic releif quite frequently! I love having a dog again, which is something that I missed out on in Denver (Colorado that is ;-), luckily my parents have been helpful in puppy training!
The next things on my plate are getting established as a substitute teacher, and getting into a teacher credentialling program, so that I can (finally and hopefully) begin a career! That would be something short of a miracle! I just hope I end up loving teaching as much as I'm assuming I will. I still have yet to determine what grade level or age group that I want to teach, so hopefully I will find guidance in that area, but other than that, God-willing, in 2 - 2 1/2 years I should be a teacher! Fun fun fun!
Lastly, I have begun to look at houses. I want to look for awhile and get a firm grasp of the features that I want in a house established before I buy anything. However, I would also like to take advantage of Obama's $8,000 tax credit this year so I will need to end up purchasing a home before December 1, 2009. So I'm thinking some time around September would be good. I will still be nice outside, and I'll make the deadline for the tax credit! It is a blessing to live at home and have my expenses cut in 1/2; it will be the perfect opportunity to save up for my own home!
I think that pretty much brings me up to date, hopefully I'll be better at blogging now that I have a normal schedule!
-Michelle N. Crandell
-Michelle N. Crandell
This is a test...
I'm attempting to make a post via e-mail...this is all very interesting, isn't technology cool?
-Michelle N. Crandell
-Michelle N. Crandell
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Packing, Packing and more Packing
I have officially run out of places to pack things! O.k...I guess that is a stretch, but seriously I'm running out of boxes and I've gone through 4 newspapers and still need more! I think this is a sign that I have too much stuff.
My parents and grandparents will begin their trek to Denver tomorrow morning, so it's sink or swim time. I'm trying to have as much as possible done before they get here so that they don't have to work so hard, but I have a feeling they might end up helping out a little. Hopefully just with cleaning. That's the only thing that I can't seem to fit in the packing schedule.
Tomorrow night I get a break from all the packing because me and the BFF are headed to the Pepsi Center to see RASCAL FLATTS! I'm so excited! I love their music and always have fun at concerts so it should be a fun way finish out the week!
*So I've tried 4 times to upload pics for this post...needless to say it's not going to happen tonight. I'll try to add them later. =-)
My parents and grandparents will begin their trek to Denver tomorrow morning, so it's sink or swim time. I'm trying to have as much as possible done before they get here so that they don't have to work so hard, but I have a feeling they might end up helping out a little. Hopefully just with cleaning. That's the only thing that I can't seem to fit in the packing schedule.
Tomorrow night I get a break from all the packing because me and the BFF are headed to the Pepsi Center to see RASCAL FLATTS! I'm so excited! I love their music and always have fun at concerts so it should be a fun way finish out the week!
*So I've tried 4 times to upload pics for this post...needless to say it's not going to happen tonight. I'll try to add them later. =-)
Thursday, February 26, 2009
5 Days...The emotional rollercoaster begins
In 5 days my world is about to flip upside down as I make the 1800 mile move back to California in less than a week. I am confident in my decision but the emotions are finally seeping into play as I accept the fact that I can no longer ignore them. I have been incredibly lucky and fortunate to meet some truly amazing people and I've made a million memories in Denver that I hope I never forget.
I think that the scariest part of all of this is the uncertaintly. I am doing my best to place my faith and trust in God's hands but my ability to do that wavers from moment to moment. I've made the statement approximately 10 million times this week, and I'll say it again..."It's going to be an interesting year."

Friday, February 20, 2009
He's Just Not That Into You...

Just a few thoughts about the movie...
I guess the most important critique is that this movie is definitely cute/adorable/happy-go-lucky, etc. etc. It certainly fits in the category of chick-flick, as if there was any question, so you certainly have to be in the mindset for that genre of movie to fully enjoy the flick.
What I liked about this movie is that it over-emphasized the different stereotypes that so many men & women fall into when it comes to dating - which was both humorous and at times thought provoking. Sometimes it's easier to recognize our own behavior when we see it in someone else. My second favorite aspect of this movie is that at the end of the day (o.k movie) each an every person / couple had a different way of finding one another or thereselves; which I believe ultimately has to happen for someone to fully experience love.
I also loved that the theme of the movie encompassed an idea of hope. All the while everyone's story is different, we all find our way. =-)
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Finding my way...
This morning I walked about 3 miles at James A. Bible park, which is within walking distance from my house. I cruised around the park a couple of times, and then as I was headed back to my apartment, I decided to take a different way back. I had an idea where it lead, but wasn't 100% sure of the final destination. I figured, "what the heck" I have all day to get lost if that's the case. As I was observing the world around me I recognized that this was the first time that I didn't know where I was going, and it didn't anger me. It actually brought me joy. As I tossed this idea back and forth in my mind, I realized that no matter where you are in life, the path will always lead you home, where ever that might be.
Sometimes the things that seem so complicated, can at the same moment be so simple.