Yesterday was a good day and I never got the opportunity to write about it, so I’m backtracking a bit. Lately, I’ve been stressed, and emotionally overwhelmed with anything and everything. I’ve been taking way too many things personally and felt the need to change the world before it ceased to exist. (O.k obviously not possible…but do you ever have those days when you just see everything wrong with the world…) Basically I haven’t been a very positive thinker and I’ve been trying my hardest to get out of this awful funk (see earlier post) because no one, especially me wants to feel like this. Well yesterday it happened! I left the funk! I don’t really know what came over me but I had a great day. I woke up early to finish a project for school and it took me less time than I expected. Then everything went smoothly at school and despite me deep urge to skip class, I went, and actually enjoyed my time. In my last class (Communication & the Elderly) we watched Grumpy Old Men, and before you doubt the academic credibility of this class time, please understand that this movie is definitely useful in evaluating some of the stereotypes that accompany the elderly public. Plus it is quite hilarious, and I had forgotten just how good it was so that was an added bonus! The next statement that I’m going to make might be laughable…but hear me out. This movie honestly helped me believe in love. Hahahahaha…o.k. the laughing is over, I hope you enjoyed the moment! ;-) But honestly, in addition to the ‘age’ theme that runs through the film, there is also a theme of love that managed to bring me hope.
It is so easy for me to see all of the couples who are failing at making the marriage commitment because it seems like they are everywhere…and I mean EVERYWHERE!!! A few years back I watched 2 young marriages fall apart because one of the people wasn’t committed. The next year I heard that my aunt and uncle who were married for over 20 years were separating, and now it seems like anyone and everyone I know is cheating on their significant other/spouse or being cheated on. It sucks. It’s very hard to stay positive when devastation is all that you seem to see, no matter where you look.
But then I started to think…what about all of the people doing it right! While there is definitely corruption in some marriages, and sometimes they fail...there are so many others that are flourishing. People who have truly made lifetime committments! These are the people to look up to! My grandparents, parents, many aunts and uncles, families from church etc., Mark & Shan, Kym & Andy, Maggie & Joe, Wayne & Krista, Doug & Alayna...the list could honestly go on...and on...this makes me excited about the future. I was beginning to think that this dream that I've had since I don't know...forever...was pretty much doomed to fail, but then I realized there are still many people out there that respect marriage and I'm super excited to have these people in my life because one day my dream is going to come true and I will be married to an amazing man. Then I know I will look up to them even more as examples of what love is really all about!
I BELIEVE IN LOVE!'s true. I've never truly been in love, I'm not in love now, but someday I will be and when that day comes...I BELIEVE!!!
This is a minute long clip from an episode of Scrubs that basically sums up what I've written...I found this a long time ago and find that it relates to my life in a new way...enjoy!