Monday, April 21, 2008

Green light, yellow light, red light

So...many people might already know this, but for some it might be new information...from time to time I experience moderate to severe road rage...other drivers often aggravate me and I often find myself restraining from flipping people off for their idoicy. I do realize in my more rational moments that road rage is utterly pointless and only manages to get myself worked up over something that truly does not matter...but I had an ah-ha moment today...

You know when you're driving and you finally pass the slow poke in front of you only to get stopped at a red light? That's how I feel right now. Like I'm stopped at a red light with no where to go, no instructions on where to turn next, and in the midst of it all, I realize that suddenly I feel like I am the only one stopped. Everyone around me seems to have direction, they are traveling at top speeds to success, and I am stopped. And a little scared really. Most likely without reason...but nonetheless scared. Where am I going?

Thursday, April 03, 2008


Rockie's Game April '07
We Just 'get' each other!
Av's Game March '08
This makes us look like sports fans or something!
Fun times my times!

I see the light...

Today I had a meeting with my advisor to make sure that everything was on track with my graduation plans, and I was pleasantly surprised that I was actually a little ahead of schedule!!! I thought I was going to have to take 5 or 6 classes to make sure that I met all my requirements in the fall and it turns out that I only have 7 credit hours left after the summer!!! AMAZING! I am going to take two classes and a 4 credit internship (which I still have to find by the pray for that please!) I am so incredibly relieved that my final semester isn't going to be a huge stressful ordeal. It's weird to think that this has actually motivated me more...but it has and thank the Lord because I needed some motivation!

I also really hope that another situation in my life will end up working out because I think it would be so much fun and would me me a happy camper! We'll see though...I'm trying not to get my hopes up. =-)


Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Cysts and Tumors...please steer clear

Why is it that all of this is so complicated? Two family members in less than 6 months...
should I be afraid that I have horrible headaches?

Like a kid again...

Life is about the little things...and one thing that I will always love are those nostalgic feelings that remind me of being a kid. Well today that happened when i ate fun dip...I do have to admit the packaging has all changed but it still tastes the same!

Too bad all the fun stuff from being a kid couldn't come back... you know like incredibly limited responsibility or no bills to pay! Ah well...growing up does have it's perks huh?