The holidays are all about making memories, right? Well that is what I set out to do yesterday! First off, some friends and I started a new tradition of running in the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning. It's a 4 mile run/walk put on by the United Way Chairity group. I had a lot of fun, it was a great way to start the day! Hopefully we will continue to do it each year. After the race we all parted ways to our seperate Thanksgiving day festivities.
The second memory of the day was my attempt at making my first apple pie. What a kick. For some reason I had it in my head, that this would be a simple task...but have no fear I found a way to make it complicated! Essentially the process was simple aside from the pesky crust. After several failed attempts of getting the dough to stick together and roll out in somewhat of a circle I managed to get 75% of the crust off at one time and I figured that was going to have to work! The moral of the story...use lots of flour on the cutting board, and be patient. After a good laugh with my mom, we decided that I would have pie crust making lessons when I'm home for Christmas! The one success story is that despite the looks, the pie tasted fantastic!
The evil dough and flour...
The Finished Product...(Keep in mind this was after running!)
What a mess...$5.99 at Safeway is sounding pretty good about now.
Haha...the close up really does the crust justice. The patch jobs were quite humourous to me!

I hope everyone had a fabulous Turkey Day!