So it's been about a month since I wrote that last entry... Anways swing dancing is a blast and I want to learn how to do it really bad (because I really had no clue what I was doing!!!)....I tried to make it my new year's resolution, but that hasn't been going too well. Whatever - it's not like I ever stuck to any other one that I've made. Such is life!!!
The latest update is that I'm putting in my 2 weeks notice tomorrow at work(Lakewood Dental Associates). Today was a miserable day for me and I've had it. I'm tired of going home unhappy. Every day I wake up and try to have a positive attitude and look-out on the day. Then it get's squished, ripped, battern, torn and just absolutely mangled every day that I'm there....
The kicker for me was getting off work and feeling irritated that I had to go to small group tongiht. I ABSOLUTELY love going there and being with those kids, and to have the feeling that I was frustrated to go hang out with them makes me feel so sick to my stomach. The fact that I'd rather sit in my room and just try to sleep it all off or watch a movie is just disgusting. I just can't stand being so unhappy, and I've tried so hard to ignore my issues, but the problems conflict with some of the things that I believe are so heavily instilled in my heart that I just can't ignore them. Things should be done right and fairly, and it's just not happening.
My letter of resignation is signed and I think that I'm finally ready to cut this cord out of my life. I've been nervous because I don't have another job lined up to replace the one that I'm leaving, but there was something that I learned this summer @ Base camp that keeps ringing in my head, and that is that God is Real and he wants me to LIVE. And part of that requires me to have faith that he will provide for me. I might have to change a few things in my lifestyle, but it will all work out in the end. His will will be done. What ever happens is in his hands now, and I'm finally ready to trust I saying that it doesn't terrify'm scared, but I have both peace and hope to balance out the fear!
Anyways, Small group made me so happy tonight. These kids are so much fun. They talk far too much....but what can you really expect...hehe I can't wait to see what God has in store to teach them and our entire group this semester. It should be usually is!
Well on that note, I leave myself hoping for sunnier days ahead! I can't wait to be happy in the work place. I'm thrilled with the rest of my's just this one part that I can't seem to cut out that is just bringing me down. It gives me the chills just to think about how frustrated I am. BLAH....I'm going to try to get back in the habbit of writing in this seems to come in spirtz! Happy days ahead, PRAISE GOD FOR EVERY DAY NO MATTER HOW BAD IT STINKS!!!
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