Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Rockies Game Tonight...

So I had the day off from work....sorta. I had a meeting at 2 and then a bunch of the CDT's are going to the Rockies game tonight! I'm excited! We'll see how it goes, I'm nervous about getting to close to anyone...just because it seems like that's when you start getting hurt...but I'm afraid that if I don't just get over it...then I'll get left out, and I don't want that. So i know it sounds weird but let's just say that it's out of my comfort zone and I'm a tad uncomfortable, but I'm going to get over it and just deal with everything. Why does everything have to be so complicated with me? huh? I just don't get it. Blah...anyways...

I left some stuff in Christina's car and so I ran by her work to get it and then we both had a little free time so we went to lunch @ Wingman...best place ever! So that was fantastically fun, a little bit rushed b/c I had to get to the meeting at 2 but it's all gravy. What else...

I think I've been complaining too much lately...I just need to change my attitude. It's time to be excited about life. WaaaaHoooo... O.k...on that note, I hope tonight is fun!

Peace out....haha....I just said that...

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

So it's been awhile...

So all of last week I was staying at Russel and Chrisitina's condo because they were in Nashville, Tennesse, having loads of fun at the National Pastor's convention. So I enjoyed they're tivo, big bed, and just some time to my self with lots of room! Yay!

So far this week has gone by fast. Monday nights I'm now scheduled to be a closer at work so that's pretty cool! I do have to admit I was getting a little burnt out with work last week and on Saturday I was just fed up...but so far this week has been a lot more smooth and I only have 2 more shifts to work this week, so I have a little bit lighter week and that's helped to calm my frustrations.

Oh...on Sunday I got pulled over for the first time for speeding...but I got lucky and had a nice cop pull me over and he just gave me a lecture and gave me a break. So that was a good thing considering I had just paid for my plane ticket home and my car insurance...I would have hated to pay another hefty bill on top of all that. Blah! Anyways...It was an undercover cop though....he was in a silver camero...sneaky...very sneaky.

So tonight was our last small group with these kids and I do have to say that I'm just a tad bummed. I really have loved spending time with these kids and it's really great to see them growing up and moving onto high school. But I guess there's a time for everything to end, maybe the next group of kids will be just as cool...we'll just have to find out!

Well I guess that's all...adios.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Sunday...the day of rest!

So today I got to sleep in! Yay!!! It was youth Sunday at church so I didn't have to be there for both services...so I just went to the 10:40 service! Yay for that. It was really great all the kids did a great job, they led worship, communion, ushered and lead offering. And Russel (My good friend/Jr. high Pastor) preached! He did a great job and everything went very smoothly for him. It was his first time speaking @ "Big Church" so he was pretty nervous...but handled his nerves well. Yay for him. Oh at church we (Christina and I after church was done) also ran into Will and Lindy and their new baby Whitney, and got to hold her and chat with them for awhile, so that was fun, it seems like that baby was just born yesterday and she's already 7 weeks old, but she's starting to develop more character, and can smile and make baby noises so she's super de duper cute! After church we went to Taco Bell and saw 1/2 of the church there...(o.k that's obviously an exaggeration...but there were quite a few people we knew/recognized)

Later on Christina and I ran some errands and then we came back for a mini celebration of Lynn's (colorado-adopt-a-mom) b-day which is tomorrow. We had bananna pie and it was SO GOOD! Then we went back to R&C's condo and they packed and we headed for the airport. They are going to Nashville, TN to volunteer at the National Pastor's Convention. So they'll be gone this week and then I'll pick them up bright and early next Sunday at 8am in time to get them back for church on Sunday...I'm sure they'll be just a tad exhausted. The cool thing is that I get a key to the condo while they're gone, so if I want to have my own space every now and then I can! Yay for that! I'm excited. It's nice to just have my own space that isn't confined in my ity-bity room from time to time. So sad they're leaving...but I know they'll be back! And until then I get to have fun at their house! =)

Tomorrow I have to be at work super early to watch a training class, then I work a double (with follows (a.k.a people training...it should be interesting.) Hopefully it goes by quickly because for some odd reason, I have tuesday and wednesday off. I don't mind...I just hope I don't get bored! I'm planning on working out at the gym and doing some reading...who knows what I'll do the rest of the time! We'll just have to see...stay tuned for updates!

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Old Chicago...

So today after wasting a whole morning of doing nothing...[I was so bored, by the way]...I worked tonight and had a good shift...not to busy and I still made 90 bucks. Yay! Anyways I went out to Old Chicago with some people after work...let's just say it was very fun (lots of laughs) and very interesting all at the same time. That's all I'm gonna say...I honestly don't know what else to say...

Friday, May 13, 2005

Downtown Fun...

So today was a good day! Christina called around noon and she had a break between her finals, so I went downtown and had lunch with her! It was really fun because we hung out on campus for awhile, and then walked to the cheesecake factory! I also picked up an application! So that's pretty cool, I'm so excited to go to Metro State! It's such a fun enviornment, not a super friendly place...but not unfriendly. There's just a lot of people I guess. And there are so many choices for majors that I'm sure I won't have a hard time figuring out what to major in! I also found out that I can major in Art with a concentration in Photography! How cool would that be? I'm starting to really think that I might be able to do this! We'll just have to see! Let's just say I'm excited! Oh...and I'll be taking Sign Language! How cool is that! I'm excited!

Anyways that's about it...I worked this evening and it was an interesting shift...neither good nor bad...so that works for me I guess! I have two weeks left of mentoring to be a CDT then it's off to the confrence! I'm super excited!

I guess that's all...good night.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Sleep Deprived

So apparantly I just can't sleep at night. Two nights ago I was up until 4 am, and last night, I fell asleep around midnight...but then woke up at 2am, 3am, and 6am...what the heck!!! I just don't get it. Now I'm thouroughly exhausted....so what do we think the chances of me sleeping tonight are? Who knows...anyways I haven't posted in awhile...so here it goes!

Today at work (a really good shift by the way...it went smoothly!) I got 3 pins for my uniform! So I totally sound like the stupid geek from Office Space (the one with all the flair...oh goodness!) But it really is exciting! It made me feel like I was actually a little more than every other Joe Shmo server there at the restraunt. So I guess that's a little vain...but whatever, I got my pins and it makes me feel special! I'm going to the T3 in 3 weeks! I'm so excited! This is like the final sha-bam for becoming a CDT (Certified Designated Trainer) for Red Robin. It's fun, it would be interesting to see where this leads me. I really like Red Robin and think it's a good company...maybe it could lead to something more than just a job as a server! I've always thought I'd make a good manager? Hmmm...the wheels are turning. I don't know...there are so many freakin' doors open when it comes to choosing a career...that it just seems silly. How the heck am I ever going to pick a major? I guess something will just *click*. I should be so lucky...haha...

Anyways...Oh...Small group. Tonight went well again. It's technically the end of the semester so we're wrapping things up... and tonight we went to Dairy Queen...great fun! Next week we have off, and then the following Wednesday (5-25-05) we're having our final small group...tear! It really is amazing to see how much these kids have grown just in the year and a 1/2 I've worked with them. From little "sevies" (7th graders = I guess it's the new slang...I dont' know...it's just what they[8th graders] call them!) into graduating/promoting 8th graders....they're going to be in High School. I feel like a mom sorta...I'm getting all sentimental. Partly because I don't know if I'll be able to move up and be a High School leader? We'll just have to see. It would be awesome to get to stick with those kids and watch them graduate from H.S. Now that's a scary thought...haha

Well that wasn't too exciting of a post...but I'm really tired...see begining paragraph and my lack of sleep....So Good Night to All!

Monday, May 09, 2005

Happy Mother's day! (Me and my mom last summer!) I love you Mommy dearest!!! Posted by Hello

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mom's day to all you mothers/grandmothers etc....(oh...can't forget adopt-a-Colorado Mom too) out there! I hope your day was special! I called and got to talk to my mom after church and lunch [@ Noodles & Co] for about 1/2 hour so that was good! I found out that my cards didn't make it on time...so hopefully they (mom and 2 grandma's) will get them tomorrow afternoon...I guess better late than never! Hopefully they'll see it the same way =)

Work went really well tonight...it got a little bit crazy for awhile and I started to get my butt kicked...but eventually it was manageable again! Sundays really just aren't my favorite to work...but it always seems pretty busy, (at least that means there's the potential to make good money) so I don't know why so many people want them off. The only reason that I do...is because A.Church and B. it's usually my only day off, and it's the one day that Christina and I for sure get to hang out...so there. Ptttt...on everyone who doesn't want to work Sundays!

Well I guess that's all for tonight! Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite...I hope I can fall asleep tonight....last night I was pretty restless and my neck was killing me...so I iced it..and it felt much better today. O.k...now I'm done!

All in all...a good day

So today can just be summed up as a good day. This morning I slept in...(i didn't have to work...yippee) and relaxed, took my time getting ready. Talked to a few friends from CA online and did other meaningless stuff on-line. I then spent some time with Courtney and Lynn, watched 1/2 of A Walk to Remember...and then got ready for work. My shift went very smoothly...I was closing cocktailer so that was cool, I did have to work with someone that I really don't care for...but that's o.k...I just phased him first! He was happy to go home early...I was happy for him to go home! It sounds so bad, but he just get's on my nerves from time to time...he talks about meaningless stuff all the time and it takes him so long to get everything out. Plus he's not really a hard worked...I always have to pick up a table for him if he get's busy...I get stuff for his tables and all that stuff...so it's just a little bit tedious. I don't dis-like him I just would rather not work with him....is that fair? Oh well if it isn't!

Anyways, yay for a great day, tomorrow should be interesting. I'm closing again. I'm thinking it will either be slow or busy being Mother's day and all...we'll just have to see. I'm off to watch the other 1/2 of Walk to Remember...or fall asleep whichever comes first. Good night!

Friday, May 06, 2005

I think it's a record!

So this is the third post in one day. I think that's the most that I've ever blogged in one day...ever! Anyways. My shift tonight went pretty smoothly. I ended up making more than I thought once everything added up at the end. So that's always a pleasant thing. This is what I have to say...I'm definitely learning more and more about people by working in this industry. (restraunt)

This is what I've learned:

1. Most people are nice and pleasant
2. Some people are grumpy and rude
3. Other people...are just plain psycho and should have limited contact with the out side world.

Thank goodness they come in that order...but I swear some people just blow my mind...and I guees you gotta love 'em because at least they make life interesting...but some times it's just exhausting. I can't really explain it per se, but it's just the whole experience all rolled into one. You put a few people from all those categories all rolled into a 3 hour time span...and you have my reaction...haha.

So with lots of inspiration from the movie 13 Going on 30...I tried Razzles today! "First it's a Candy...Then it's Gum!!!" It was very exciting to me! Whoopee! Posted by Hello

Just try not to think about it...

So my life is really un-eventful. (i don't think there should be a hyphen there....but it's staying there because I'm not really sure!) Really the only things that I've got going in my life are work and church. How lame. That's how I really feel....it sucks that I feel this way about my life...but I just have to be honest. I can't believe that I'm actually going to say these next few words...but I am actually looking forward to going back to school! I can't wait! It's pretty scary when your life get's so boring you can't wait to go back to school. Oh well...what can you do? Anyways, I don't really like thinking about this so I always seem to be drowning myself out in meaningless "other" activities just so I don't have to think about things. Like watching movies..which sucks...because I always end up buying them..and then I realize how much money I've wasted on movies...oh well! Why can't I be more productive with my time...I wish I was more motivated to work out...I'm semi-motivated...but it's hard to want to work out when you know that you're going to be on your feet all day at work. It's like double time...only you only work the same muscles all the time...so nothing ever get's toned, etc. Or reading...why can't I just dive into a good book...that's at least somewhat productive. My only problem is...that usually I'll be tired and then I fall asleep in the middle of the book. That's not cool. I don't know I got kinda frustrated the other day because I realized that I can't remember the last time that I actually did something "fun". I'm pumped for my trip home this summer because I'll just hang out with friends the whole time...and that will be loads of fun! [So far I've got a day at Great America planned with Katie and hopefully a trip to the beach with Maranda and Dise] But honestly...I don't want to have to go on a vacation just to have fun. That's another thing...I wish I could go on a vacation. I want to just go with a bunch of friends to like Hawaii or something. But my best friend...is married...and that just doesn't work. Blah! I need more friends who have time to hang out. I love all of my friends dearly but...I just need more! I'm in my 20's shouldn't this be the time of my life? I just don't get it. I guess everyone goes through something like this at some point..and I've heard that a lot of people freak out about being 20 and all that crap...but it just seems dumb. So I officially give life right now a big fat PPPLLLLLLLLTTTTT! =P

I guess we just have to go on and make the best of things right?!?! Speaking of which, today is a rare occasion that Christina and I are going to get to hang out...YAY! I had the morning off...so she went into admin early and we are going to have lunch! I have to work this Sunday so we probably won't get to hang out too much...plus it's Mother's day and all that jazz...speaking of which...I really need to get those cards to the mail box...I hope 2 days is enough to get them to CA! We can only hope! Anyways...that's enough ramblings for the day....Christina is calling...yeah for having a life.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Yay for Jr. High Leaders! We're so cool! Posted by Hello

Relaxing Day

So today was a great day! Nothing spectacular happened per se, but it was just a good day. I ended up getting my shift picked up for today because some else really wanted to work, so I was like what the heck! I picked up two other shifts this week, so it all works out. Plus this way ended up giving me one full day off! Because I was scheduled every day this week. So...it was really nice to get to sleep in and take my time getting ready and all that jazz. I took my time this morning, I started a rough draft for the patio table chart (work) and I made flyers for the girls night out event that we're going to do with the youth group. Speaking of which. Tonight was also small group (Jr. Highers) and it went SO WELL! We actually had a small group this time and it went so smoothly. People talked a little bit, but it wasn't out of control like it has been lately. It's so exciting that the kids are bringing their friends and stuff, but we get so much more accomplished when there are fewer people there. So that was great fun! Anyways, so that was my day...pretty simple...oh for lunch I went to Frazoliz's and it was wonderful (i love that place!) and I just relaxed and ate lunch and then I finally got a chance to take my spirirtual gift assessment for college group. So now I don't feel behind and I can kind of see where I fit into this whole spectum! Yay!

Anyways, that's all I really have to update for the day. Oh...I booked my flight for the summer to go home to Cali! I'll be home from the 20th of June to the 6th of July! So far I have a day @ Great America planned with Katie, and hopefully a little adventure down south to see my good pal Paradise, and to chill at the beach! I can't wait...I so want to just veg and relax and catch up with some old friends! Heck Yes!

Alrighty then...I'm really done now!