So today I got to sleep in! Yay!!! It was youth Sunday at church so I didn't have to be there for both I just went to the 10:40 service! Yay for that. It was really great all the kids did a great job, they led worship, communion, ushered and lead offering. And Russel (My good friend/Jr. high Pastor) preached! He did a great job and everything went very smoothly for him. It was his first time speaking @ "Big Church" so he was pretty nervous...but handled his nerves well. Yay for him. Oh at church we (Christina and I after church was done) also ran into Will and Lindy and their new baby Whitney, and got to hold her and chat with them for awhile, so that was fun, it seems like that baby was just born yesterday and she's already 7 weeks old, but she's starting to develop more character, and can smile and make baby noises so she's super de duper cute! After church we went to Taco Bell and saw 1/2 of the church there...(o.k that's obviously an exaggeration...but there were quite a few people we knew/recognized)
Later on Christina and I ran some errands and then we came back for a mini celebration of Lynn's (colorado-adopt-a-mom) b-day which is tomorrow. We had bananna pie and it was SO GOOD! Then we went back to R&C's condo and they packed and we headed for the airport. They are going to Nashville, TN to volunteer at the National Pastor's Convention. So they'll be gone this week and then I'll pick them up bright and early next Sunday at 8am in time to get them back for church on Sunday...I'm sure they'll be just a tad exhausted. The cool thing is that I get a key to the condo while they're gone, so if I want to have my own space every now and then I can! Yay for that! I'm excited. It's nice to just have my own space that isn't confined in my ity-bity room from time to time. So sad they're leaving...but I know they'll be back! And until then I get to have fun at their house! =)
Tomorrow I have to be at work super early to watch a training class, then I work a double (with follows (a.k.a people should be interesting.) Hopefully it goes by quickly because for some odd reason, I have tuesday and wednesday off. I don't mind...I just hope I don't get bored! I'm planning on working out at the gym and doing some reading...who knows what I'll do the rest of the time! We'll just have to see...stay tuned for updates!
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