So I've been a major slacker...but I have an excuse! Da - da - da - don! Well first off, I was in Cali for 2 1/2 weeks and then...I got home and was scheduled out the wazoo at work and I really just recooperated from that on tuesday after I had my day off! Since then I've been working some more...and I will be working lots this weekend. I've certified in two different positions at work, so that's pretty cool, and I've just been hangin out catching up on stuff here...Oh last thing that's really pretty important...
I'm accepted and registered to attend Metro! Halleluja! (sp?...I should really know..but whatever!) The one glitch in this whole story is that my biggest nightmare came true. They classified me as an out of state student. So now I get to send in my life history since I've moved to CO (seriously...I'm not even kidding, bank statements, sources of income, car registration, you name it, they want's really dumb if you ask me!) Not to mention the fact that I have to get my signature notorized, as if someone else would care this much about me being an in state student! HA! Whatever, at least the good news is that I have all the information that they need and hopefully it will prove to their incompatent registrars office that I am an in-state student and I've been living in Colorado for over 2 years now...(hard to believe really, but it's freakin' true!)
So assuming that all goes well and my classification is changed (b/c there is no way in h - e double hocky sticks that I'll be paying 5K to go to a state school)...I'll be taking nutrition (which counts as a science class - pretty cool if you ask me), Intro to Business, History of something or other (it counts as 6 credits because it meets both the history and this multicultural requirement that I have to take!) I think that the fact that I'm from Sacramento should count as my multicultural credits... but for some reason I don't think that will fly with anyone! (that was not meant to be derogatory in anyway, I love that I'm from a cultured city!), Macro Economics, and Applied Hotel and Restraunt Operations...which is something just to take for fun and for interest in possible working in restraunts (beyond serving - of course) later in life...supposedly it's pretty cool, you go around to different restaurants and hotels and take tours...yeah I'll take college credit for that thank you! So's 15 units, so it's more than I was thinking of taking...but I think I'm going to like it! Yeah great fun!
Well I think that really is officially all of the new news that I have for anyone (which I think is really no one) that reads this blog...really it's for my own knowledge that something is happening in my life! Yippeee~
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