Monday, August 29, 2005

Wonder away...

Do you ever wonder if the reason you're still single is because you never replied to those dumb chain e-mails that tell you if you don't reply you're gonna have 1 million years of bad luck, no one will ever like you and you're never gonna get kissed again....haha...I never respond to those things!?!?!?! Is that why I'm screwed....??? I'm totally kidding...but I just thought that was pretty freakin' hillarious. Whenever I see those I have to stop and wonder if the person who sent it really thought it would come true...

Actually I'm really trying to avoid writing about what I'm really feeling....sigh


Anonymous said...

Okay so what are you really feeling? Come on share...

Michelle said...

Blah...I'm just frustrated! I wish this guy that I really care about would just realize that I'm perfect for him...haha. I found out that he wants to ask out this other girl...but now it turns out she's got 2 guys who want to date he's backing off. It sucks because he's become one of my best he talks about girls with me and all that crap, but it just makes me feel like he'd never even consider me. It just made me feel a little crushed. I like him a lot, but he's got some growing up to do (maturity wise, haha what guy doesn't?). He's not immature in the way he acts, like he's not stupid, but just maturity in the way he looks at life and dating and girls and all that. Blah whatever. He's just the only person in my life that I would consider dating right now, and I really want to be dating...which I just need to get over but whatever. Like I've said before...BLAH!

Anonymous said...

I understand. I always hated that stuff. Before I met Joe I can think of 2 guys that I had REALLY liked A LOT. I became friends with them, and I tried so hard to get them to realize that I liked them more than that. But they never got it and I was a little to shy to come out and tell them myself. Well with one of the guys, several years later we reconnected and come to find out he had a thing for me to but didn't have the guts to ask me out. It really irritated me because I did all I could to get him to understand I liked him more. The other guy, I was more direct with and he knew I liked him. I never did find out what his deal was. After a LONG time I think we kissed a couple times and I thought something was going to happen and it never did. I was bummed.

Boys are stupid. I wish I had some advice but I'm not sure I do. I would maybe just try to drop little hints here and there and see if he picks up on them. lol maybe you could tell him that you wish you could find a guy like him, and maybe that would put an idea in his head? OR you could be really ballsy and just tell him you like him and want to try something more?

Michelle said...

That's good advice...yeah...i wish I just had the balls! Well there's another twist in the story now...last tuesday some people from work all got together and were drinking...well I had like 4/5 drinks in 1 dumb...anyway...I was pretty lit up, and I was hanging all over him...classy I know. But the thing was that it wasn't irritating to him, and he was like cuddling with me back. After we sobered up we were falling asleep on the couch and he and I were like holding hands kinda...(i do you kinda hold hands...I don't know how else to describe it...but it's But the thing that that we haven't talked about it at all? So that makes me being the girl hopeful that something might happen...or that that was a big hint...but to him it's just...well she was wasted. Stupid stupid girl...and dumb dumb alcohol. but it was a lot of fun...and I guess if I can get him when I'm drunk that should count for something right?....oh wait...