There are times in life where you feel as though any decision that you make could be the wrong one. There are a few people in my life that have hurt me deeply in regards to either friendships or relationships, that I have since forgiven but am not sure I really care to have around in my life again. I'm torn between what attitude to have towards them. I've forgiven them in my heart, but will never be able to forget their actions. Is the right thing to do to just forget them and move on and give the 'ole cold shoulder? Or to embrace their attempts to keep in touch and perhaps rekindle an old friendship? It's tough to determine if a person has truly changed, and then there are those who possibly haven't changed but once held wonderful characteristics until they "messed up" in terms of friendship. Everyone messes up from time to time, but it's hard to know if they truly regret what they've done. Doesn't everyone deserve a second chance?
I'm typically the person who can be a bit of a pushover in this department, but I've recently been reevaluating that part of my life. Is it o.k to be selfish when it comes to friendships? Or should we have the loyalty of a golden retriever and offer forgiveness that might just mend a broken bridge or heart.
I guess it all comes down to a popular phrase..."hurt me once, shame on you, hurt me twice shame on me".
I don't want to be a PITA but isn't the saying "hurt me once shame on you, hurt me twice shame on me?" Because if they hurt you once it is their fault for being poopy, but if it happens again it is your fault for letting it happen because you should know better.
I also think that it is fine to give people second chances but you need to watch out for yourself. You need to make sure they have to work to earn back your trust.
That's a good question I think most if not all of us face in our lives. I have learned that turning the other cheek but being smart about it is the way to go. What do I mean by that? Well, the bible says to turn the other cheek so we must forgive 70x7 right? But I also believe we have to be smart about it, meaning remember what the other person did to hurt you so badly, don't hold it against them anymore but be aware that they may do it again, they obviously have a weakness in that area. Pray for them and keep your eyes open. It hurts way less if you know what is coming. Also, if you know their weakness' then you mustn't take it personally. Pray for them! Hope this helps. Love you!!
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