Is anyone else concerned with this governement bail out? I'm sure it sounds great to people pending foclosures and all that jazz...but where is this money coming from? Are the American people going to be paying for this rather quick decision for the next million years? If we had that kind of money lying around...why hasn't it been put to better use all of this time??? I just can't wrap my head around it.
I also find it rather remarkable that we live in a society where families are loosing their homes left and right, but we will pay Spiderman $50,000,000 dollars to make # 3 & 4 of an already over worked series of movies. So basically our movie stars and celebrities are our priority. Not our teachers, or docotors... Maybe Mr. Toby Miguiere (spelling?) can donate some of his earnings towards the health care than no one can seem to find.
Which brings me to another point...do people want universal health care or do they just want free health care...because the more and more people talk about it, the more I feel like we already have universal health care. Get a clue America....nothing in life is free!!!
I can't wait for this election to be over. That's the greatest part...in 2/3 months, all of these things that people "supposedly" care so much about...will be laid to rest. I'm so sick of the ads, the conversations, the frustrations, the uneducated young minds that attend my college and their wholier than thou attitudes. Yuck...please just let us vote and be done with this!
*Comic above found at http://www.institutionaladvisors.com/images/BAILOUT3w.jpg
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