Thursday, August 11, 2005

so frustrating

I'm falling in love, and I can't get up.....I hate this about myself. I care so much about people...and then I don't know what to do....and most the time....there's never a good chance...and now I'm left to cry myself to sleep at night...that doesn't make any sense in writing....but in my head it's crystal clear. IT SUCKS...hurt's so bad and there's no one to blame the pain on...but myself...dang-it.


Anonymous said...

Howdy. Geeze making me go to 2 different places to read about you. WHEW!! Anywho, whats up? There's a boy? Friends, wanting more? Let me know dernit!

Michelle said...

I know it's rough...I'm going to post the same in both just look at this one I guess! hehe...So yeah...I guess I've moved on from the gnastodontics (sp?) delivery boy...haha(good times) It's a guy from work... I can't decide if I like him or if he's just the best out there in my little world right now. Maybe when I start school...something better will come up! Who knows...I just don't like not knowing if there's any reciprocal attraction...ya know!?!? At least with him, I know we're good friends! blah...I'll keep you posted with any better details!