Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Tuesdays are fabulous! Work is generally boring..but after work...magic happens...o.k. I'm not sure if it's magic but I always feel so fantastic on Tuesdays because Tuesdays are SALSA NIGHTS!!! At 24 there is an awesome cardio salsa class that I've been going to for about a month. I'm a horrible dancer, but this class is so much FUN and sometimes I actually feel like I do all right!!! The rules are...don't look at your feet, sweat and have fun. None of these things are hard to do, this class will kick your butt. But afterwards I always feel great! I love it, so I just had to share!

Something else I love...breakfast for dinner! Can't get much better =-) Eggs with cheddar cheese, sausage, and some amazing orange juice full of pulp! Yummmy!

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