Friday, February 20, 2009

He's Just Not That Into You...

Just a few thoughts about the movie...

I guess the most important critique is that this movie is definitely cute/adorable/happy-go-lucky, etc. etc. It certainly fits in the category of chick-flick, as if there was any question, so you certainly have to be in the mindset for that genre of movie to fully enjoy the flick.

What I liked about this movie is that it over-emphasized the different stereotypes that so many men & women fall into when it comes to dating - which was both humorous and at times thought provoking. Sometimes it's easier to recognize our own behavior when we see it in someone else. My second favorite aspect of this movie is that at the end of the day (o.k movie) each an every person / couple had a different way of finding one another or thereselves; which I believe ultimately has to happen for someone to fully experience love.

I also loved that the theme of the movie encompassed an idea of hope. All the while everyone's story is different, we all find our way. =-)

1 comment:

Brenda said...

Hi Michelle! How did the move go? I want to see this movie too, but I will rent it. Maybe I'll watch it with my sister! I like the new look of your blog.